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Providing best orthodontic treatment in era of patient empowerment

In the age of patient empowerment, consumers want digital solutions and they want to feel that their treatment is specifically designed for them. (Image: Kulniz/Shutterstock)

Thu. 8 September 2022


LONDON, UK: Digital technologies have changed the way in which we live and the ways in which we align teeth. According to leading UK orthodontic specialist Dr Guy Deeming, these changes can no longer be seen as being mutually exclusive. In an upcoming free webinar on Thursday, 15 September, Dr Deeming will speak about the ways in which new orthodontic technologies can address patients’ changing behaviour and expectations and improve clinical outcomes and the patient experience.

“The era of patient empowerment is here, and it is not going away. It is right in front of our eyes, if we care to see it,” Dr Deeming told Dental Tribune International.

Leading UK orthodontic specialist Dr Guy Deeming. (Image Guy Deeming/DT Study Club)

The term patient empowerment is used increasingly today in order to describe the greater level of control and involvement that patients have in their dental care, particularly when it comes to aesthetic treatments. Dr Deeming, who provides training to other orthodontists and who has treated nearly 3,000 clear aligner cases, explained that the term refers to the broader empowerment of consumers in the digital age. He said: “Patient empowerment is actually more about consumer empowerment because one of the things that we see in our daily lives is that we are more and more in control of how we interact with businesses, whether it be online banking or appointment booking. Why should dentistry—and orthodontics, in particular—be any different?”

In his upcoming free webinar, Dr Deeming will provide participants with a deeper understanding of the changing landscape of orthodontic treatment and the ways in which shifts in consumer behaviour have affected patient expectations. He will go into depth about how dentists can leverage digital communication channels in order to improve interaction with new and existing patients, and he will also detail the clinical benefits offered by technologies that increase patient empowerment, such as remote monitoring, artificial intelligence and teledentistry platforms.

“What we are seeing is that consumers want faster treatments. They want digital solutions, and they want fewer appointments”

According to Dr Deeming, the new and emerging technologies that he will discuss enable dentists to deliver patient-centred oral care and align treatment with patient expectations. “These technologies fit well with how people are used to interacting and, most importantly, they do not compromise the quality of work that you are able to deliver to your patients,” he said. They include messaging systems or technologies based on mobile applications, such as those seen within the DentalMind and DentalMonitoring platforms, and those that offer virtual consultations and in-face visualisations.

“What we are seeing is that consumers want faster treatments. They want digital solutions, and they want fewer appointments. They want to feel that they have ownership of their treatment and to feel that their care is specifically designed for them,” Dr Deeming stated.

An orthodontist and partner at Queensway Orthodontics, Dr Deeming runs seven specialist orthodontic clinics in north-east England and is a clinical speaker for the Invisalign system and for DentalMonitoring. He was formerly director for clinical practice at the British Orthodontic Society.

The free webinar, “Evolving your practice in the era of patient empowerment”, will take place on Thursday, 15 September, at 7 p.m. CEST. Participants will have the chance to earn continuing education credits upon completion of the webinar. Visit the DT Study Club website to register for the event.

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